

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Digital Footprint - TT#5


   I recently watched a informative video on digital footprints. Essentially what they are is, all the stuff that we leave behind while we access anything on the internet. This includes social media posts and likes, app usage, email records, location accessed by location services on devices, and the lists go on and on. This data is constantly being viewed by 3rd parties for many reasons. It could be for advertising purposes, security reasons, or for hackers looking to get into your financial info. It is a really scary concept actually that has me worried. I am online all the time and I never really thought of the trail I am leaving behind. I don't do anything that is questionable by any means but I don't like the idea of someone watching what I do.

     It takes a lot of time and effort to manage our digital footprints. The three best ways I have discovered are education yourself on the basic issues of digital identity and privacy, separating accounts for work and home, adjusting online tools and services provided by websites and apps.

     I think anyone that saw my digital footprint would be able to determine the kind of person I am. I don't really have much of a separation of the person I am in real life to the person I am online. I like to share my opinions as long as they aren't directly hurting someone, watch videos of cool science,tech, racing, and random things, and research topics for assignments. I never really click on ads so I think that might be a deterrent for advertising companies. Actually, I just recently read on article about manipulating those sidebar ads. Apparently, if you click on the ad, search through the website a bit then exit the site and keep doing this continuously over time, the deals will get better. I have never tried it for myself but if someone is an avid online shopper, it could be beneficial. Anyways, lesson of the story is to be aware that your actions are being recorded and likely sold to the highest bidder.

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