

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Socrative Space Race - TT11

The Socrative web/mobile app is so great for "for" and "of" assessment with students. You can run quizzes, space races, quick exit and admin slips and I believe there is more with the pro version as well. The free version has plenty though and is still a great tool for teachers. Students do need a device with the downloaded app. All the schools I have been to so far though, this has not been a issue. They can use laptops, desktops, ipads, etc.

The results are updated live on the teachers screen which can be displayed on a smartboard easily. I have used it with students and they are really engaged with it. My favorite use was for trig ratios and solving triangles with easy to very difficult problems. I like introducing the topic the day before then having the race the next morning. Once students finish the race, there is a great report that can be download quickly to see which questions were answered correctly. Oh and the questions are corrected for you meaning a very quick way to administer a quiz!

As extra motivation, I told students that the answers they got wrong, they would have to redo and hand in with a full solution. This way any misconceptions can be rectified. All you have to do is download the printable version of the race/quiz and print a paper copy.

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