

Sunday 4 December 2016


Prezi is an very impressive way to present information. In my opinion, it is power point taken to the next level. The "slides" can easily all be embedded into the same single image. The story plays out in a way where the focus is constantly being moved around and zoomed in on different parts of the image. These presentations are very attractive and engaging.

I would not use these presentations everyday but they could be used as an interesting way to bring your student back to a concept or introduce it new. Even better they could be used as a way for students to present an assessment piece of their own. Some of the old platforms are getting quite linear with they information flow and Prezi is a good way to bring in a modern twist. The creation of the the "prezis" takes some getting used to (as is with any new piece of tech) but is quite user friendly. I personally have created 2-3 or these presentations and honestly, it has been more fun than work. Organizing information can often be cumbersome but Prezi changes that for me.

If one commits to taking the plunge into a subscription, there are a lot of very cool add-ons. One of the major add-ons that are quite appealing is the use of charts and diagrams. The editor allows for an interactive display of these items!  There is also a extensive public library of prezis on many concepts that are free for use. Take a look at one the more impressive creations linked below!

Canal Presentation

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